301-725-3228 ext. 2211
欢迎来到圣. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app高中! 正规靠谱的彩票app高中肩负着神圣的使命已经超过90年了. Under the guidance of the Pallottine Missionary Sisters for more than 75 of those years, Pallotti has empowered students to realize and develop their individual gifts and talents. 在这个过程中, generations of Pallotti students have been instilled with the Pallottine message that God impels us to use our gifts and talents to serve others.
当你浏览我们的网站时, I sincerely hope that you can appreciate what it means to be part of the Pallotti community. Pallotti High School offers its students a wide range of learning opportunities in academics, 推荐十大靠谱彩票平台, 表演艺术, 还有课外活动. 所有的设计都是为了服务于我们的使命,培养学生的精神, 在学业上, 身体上的, 和社会.
请随时亲自来参观我们. I think you will find that Pallotti is a small school offering our students big opportunities.
推荐十大靠谱彩票平台是一所男女同校学校, 天主教, 二次, 华盛顿大主教管区的大学预备学校. Celebrating 100 years of excellence, Pallotti was founded in 1921 by the Pallottine Sisters. 我们位于历史悠久的马里兰州劳雷尔. 我们吸引了来自安妮阿伦德尔的学生, 霍华德, 蒙哥马利, and Prince George's counties as well as Baltimore and the District of Columbia.
正规靠谱的彩票app为年轻男女提供两全其美的服务. 我们的规模足够大,可以开设广泛的课程, 尖端技术, 还有丰富多样的课外活动. 我们也足够小,每个学生都被视为一个个体, 有独特的才能和能力的. 我们也提供丰富心灵的静修和服务机会, 还有20多个校际运动队.
渴望. 米尔德丽德的伤口应该会扩大, 迈耶神父购买了一座名为蒂芙尼庄园的殖民地豪宅, 1917年10月. 劳雷尔历史上有名的名字, 马里兰州的天主教堂, and the political life in the nation are all associated with this original Snowden family mansion and land that was directly across the street from St. 玛丽的教堂.
的豪宅, 那是劳雷尔·米尔斯经理的家, 就在现在的高中体育馆的北边. 原来的环形车道的残余仍然可以看到. 的豪宅 was modified by the addition of a frame wing to the south side of the main structure, 为了容纳修道院, 女生的学校和寄宿房间. The architectural integrity of the beautiful stone and frame edifice was preserved and St. Mildred's Academy became well known for cleanliness, good taste and comfort. The school gained the reputation of being the most homelike school in Maryland, 并吸引了来自广泛地理区域的学生.
In 1920, Father Meyer purchased additional acreage close to the Academy with the intention of opening a high school in September of 1921. 他申请加入更多的仁爱修女会, 但他们无法提供所需数量的教师. 因此,慈悲修女会于1921年退出劳雷尔. 圣修女会. Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, staffed the elementary and high school from 1921-1934.
In 1934, 在德·帕齐·米勒嬷嬷的指导下, the American Province of the Missionary Sisters of the 天主教 Apostolate (Pallottines) acquired the ownership of the property and took over the administration of the schools. 作为受过良好教育和经验丰富的教师, the Pallottine Sisters brought with them an innovative and professional character to the schools, 这一直延续到今天.
到1936年,公寓需要扩建. 完工后,寄宿生的住宿从14个增加到50个. In 1939, 男女同校学院, 由比德·库尔斯修女担任校长, 获得了马里兰州的认证. 到那一年,入学人数从1934年的23人增加到179人.
In 1949, the Academy added two new classrooms, but by 1957, the school had outgrown itself again. The entire 18th century mansion was razed and construction of the present high school was begun. 当时人们认为新设施, 可容纳约400名学生和30名姐妹, 能解决未来所有的空间问题吗. 新建筑也带来了名字的变化,从St. Mildred's Academy to Pallotti High School in honor of the founder of the Pallottines.
Growth and changes continued to take place in society and the Church and the Sisters responded with further adjustments. In 1973, the boarding school was converted to a day care center under the direction of Sister Eileen Conner, 谁在1981年增加了课后看护.
1984年,学校再次更名为圣. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app高中. In 1987, 在第八街404号建了一座新修道院, and the Sisters vacated the large convent section to allow for expansion of both the high school and the day care center. In 2001, the high school expanded yet again with the addition of a new 2-court gymnasium, 教堂, 多媒体图书馆, 健身中心, 更衣室和运动教练套房, 行政办公室和会议室.
推荐十大靠谱彩票平台 is accredited by the Maryland State Department of Education, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and the Association of Independent Maryland & 直流学校.
天主教信仰的宗教教育仍然是主要的焦点, and 天主教 doctrine and values are integrated into all academic and cultural areas of the school. Students live and experience their faith through participation in liturgy, 静修和为他人服务. 保持其传统的学术卓越, the high school academic program has expanded to include a broad range of electives, 学习中心, 许多大学先修课程和最先进的技术.
推荐十大靠谱彩票平台 strives to extend the vision of its patron and of its founder as a unique, thriving and growing leader among 天主教 schools in the Archdiocese of Washington and the State of Maryland.
今天, 正规靠谱的彩票app是一名无党派人士, 男女合校的, 大学预备, 天主教 二次 school that offers young men and women the best of both worlds: large enough to boast a wide-ranging curriculum, 尖端技术, 充实心灵的静修和服务机会, 丰富多彩的课外活动, 21个校际运动队.然而,, 学生人数只有500人左右, Pallotti is small enough that each student is able to be treated as an individual, 有独特的才能和能力的. Pallotti is a place where young people can receive the nurturing they need and also be able to spread their wings.
夫人. Sharon Baslev, 66年
黛安·布什修女. S.A.C.
Mr. 乔治·布里登
保罗·坎贝尔少校,65年. 受潮湿腐烂. 装备的
Mr. 托德坎贝尔
Ms. 克劳迪娅·柯林斯65岁
Mr. 利诺Cressotti
Mr. Bill Leishear, 87年
Mr. 里奇·麦克劳克林,1983年
修女Danuta Przvbvlek S.A.C.
Mr. G. 里克•威尔逊
Mr. 蒂姆·詹宁斯05
夫人. Niambi斯图尔特
Izabela Swierad修女,S.A.C.
Mr. 杰弗里·查克,校长
Mr. 大卫·坦尼,学术助理校长
Ms. 凯西·克罗斯,主计长/业务经理
夫人. 克莱尔·鲁宾斯基,进步部主任
推荐十大靠谱彩票平台 is always looking for interesting candidates for employment.
要了解当前的招聘信息,你也可以访问马里兰州协会 & 私立学校(AIMS)Employment中心: http://www.aimsmddc.org.